
This podcast is about conversations and experiences. It goes without saying, though I’ll say it anyway, that the participation of one guest should not be considered an affirmation of what any other guest has to say — or of what I have to say.

In the interest of disclosure:

  • I do occasionally receive review copies of books, software, accessories and other media. Any mentions of these items will be disclosed in the show notes.
  • I do not accept review copies where a positive mention is required, and I give honest reviews of these items. I do not guarantee a mention will be posted for any review items I am sent.
  • Any links to books or gear on, or app stores are affiliate links, and I will receive a store credit or direct compensation on the sale if you make a purchase after following one of those links. This helps put food in my kids’ mouths and more books in my hands. Buy freely and thanks for your support!

Privacy Policy

Here is my simple Privacy Policy: if you sign up for the mailing list (which is a simple newsletter to share new shows as they are published), your name and email address will be used only for that purpose, and not shared with any third party. In the future, there may be ads in the newsletter, but the advertisers will not be privy to personal information about subscribers.