
The Sermonsmith podcast is no longer in active production, but these helpful conversations are still available for you.

You may enjoy my follow up podcast — Consortio Dei — where I interview spiritual leaders about their rhythms for self care and formation.

Gideon Tsang

gid1We remain in the friendly confines of Austin, TX for this interview with Gideon Tsang, the pastor of Vox Veniae. Gideon shares how mornings are more valuable than afternoons, how preaching should be considered as performance art, and how he finds great creative freedom in his self-imposed structures.

(I did my best to track down the links Gideon mentioned, so if you are viewing these notes in iTunes or your podcast player, you can find the links at )

Resources and links mentioned:
Blue Letter Bible
Fresh Air: ‘Arrested’ No More: Hurwitz On Why The Bluths Are Back
Stephen Colbert pays tribute to his mother on “The Colbert Report”
Ted Talk: Dan Gilbert on The surprising science of happiness
This American Life Podcast
Radiolab Podcast
Fresh Air Podcast
gideontsang on Instagram

About Gideon

Gideon Tsang is one of the pastors of Vox Veniae located in East Austin. Vox Veniae is a trying to live the church through their community space (Space12) and partnerships globally in Afghanistan and India. Space12 hosts art showsconcerts, slam poetry eventsschool coalitionsswing dancing, and a book exchange program to inmates, while partnering with neighborhood associations and varying organizations. His wife Karen is a graphic designer and their house is filled with beautiful chaos via their two boys, Joshua (12) and Noah (8) and their two pups Trixie and Mochi. Gideon originally hails from the land of beer and bacon, Canada, eh?