
The Sermonsmith podcast is no longer in active production, but these helpful conversations are still available for you.

You may enjoy my follow up podcast — Consortio Dei — where I interview spiritual leaders about their rhythms for self care and formation.

Jonathan Dodson

dodsonJonathan Dodson played the role of both host and interviewee as we held our first live interview in his soothing home office. He describes his weekly rhythms for sermon prep alongside the relational work of a pastor, talks about the value of reading fiction, and even parses some Greek on the fly.

Resources and links mentioned:
City Life Church
Gospel-Centered Discipleship
Jonathan’s blog

About Jonathan

Jonathan K. Dodson (M.Div, Th.M) is happy husband to Robie, and proud father to Owen, Ellie & Rosamund. He is also the lead pastor of City Life church and a leader in The GCM Collective, PlantR and Gospel Centered Jonathan is also author of Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection (Feb, 2014) and The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (September, 2014). He enjoys listening to M. Ward, watching sci-fi, and following Jesus.