
The Sermonsmith podcast is no longer in active production, but these helpful conversations are still available for you.

You may enjoy my follow up podcast — Consortio Dei — where I interview spiritual leaders about their rhythms for self care and formation.

Scott McClellan

Scott-2014-web-566x377Scott McClellan doesn’t preach, but his work as a writer, communications pastor, and generally witty fellow has much to offer those of us who do. Scott describes his ongoing work developing ideas for multiple blog posts per week, tells us how he keeps new ideas from getting away, and shares a pile of books worth reading for anyone who does creative work.

Resources and links mentioned:
Sunday Magazine
Storyline Blog
Three Areas for a Preacher to Attend
This American Life
Podcast: The Moment with Brian Koppelman

About Scott

Scott is a writer, communications pastor, occasional speaker, family man, and fellow of infinite jest. He is the  Communications Pastor at Irving Bible Church, and the author of Tell Me a Story. He runs the blog over at Sunday| Magazine, a collection of ideas and resources for church communicators. Previously, he was a part of RT Creative Group from 2005 to 2012, where I started out working for Igniter Media and WorshipHouse Media. Later, he was the guy responsible for the words on the pages of COLLIDE Magazine. In the end, he was the director of Echo Conference for four years and the editor of Echo Hub, which replaced COLLIDE.