
The Sermonsmith podcast is no longer in active production, but these helpful conversations are still available for you.

You may enjoy my follow up podcast — Consortio Dei — where I interview spiritual leaders about their rhythms for self care and formation.

Stephen Witmer

CT1Stephen Witmer has pastored Pepperell Christian Fellowship for 7 years. Of all the interviews so far, I believe he’s the first to say he jumps right back in to do some preliminary work on Sunday afternoon while his mind is still racing from that morning’s sermon. He also offers us some helpful insight on preaching from the fictional John Ames.

Resources and links mentioned:
Good Book Company
Crossway Knowing the Bible series

About Stephen

Stephen Witmer (PhD, University of Cambridge) is the pastor of Pepperell Christian Fellowship in Pepperell, Massachusetts and teaches New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the author of Eternity Changes Everything: How to live now in the light of your future (Good Book Company, 2014), the forthcoming volume on Revelation in Crossway’s Knowing the Bible series, and has written for Themelios, Reformation 21, Bible Study Magazine, Desiring God, and the Gospel Coalition website.