
The Sermonsmith podcast is no longer in active production, but these helpful conversations are still available for you.

You may enjoy my follow up podcast — Consortio Dei — where I interview spiritual leaders about their rhythms for self care and formation.

Tony Merida

tony_meridaTony Merida is a professor and practitioner of preaching and church planting in Raleigh, North Carolina. He describes the five steps he works through in sermon preparation, how it’s beneficial for him to talk it out with others as he prepares, and why he thinks we need to recognize how poets and song writers are the theologians of a culture.

About Tony

Pastor, professor, husband and father of five, Tony Merida is a leading evangelical voice on biblical exposition, church planting, global missions, and orphan care. Merida is the founding pastor of Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, N.C. He also serves as a professor of preaching and church planting at Southeastern Baptist Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. His books include Faithful Preaching; Orphanology; Ordinary (January); Proclaiming Jesus; and eight volumes in the new Christ-Centered Exposition commentary series (B&H), of which he also serves as a general editor, along with Danny Akin and David Platt.